Terms & Conditions

Things to know

Cancellation policy

We do understand that sometimes things happen, and you may need to cancel your appointment which is why we do not charge a deposit or take card details from you on booking.
If you wish to cancel we require at least 24 hours notice by calling, emailing us or cancelling online.
We will ask for a 50% deposit for group or multiple bookings. Please give us 48 hours notice if you wish to cancel a booking of 3 or more people, we wouldn’t be able to process a refund for the deposit if the group booking is cancelled with less than 48 hours notice.

No show policy

If you do not come to your appointment we will request that you pay full price of the booked appointment as it is unlikely that we will be able to fill the appointment slot.

Lateness policy

Come 5 mins earlier if you can to check in and pick your colour.

Please let us know if you are going to be late by calling us, if you are more than 5 minutes late we may have to shorten the treatment and if you are more than 10 mins late we may have to reschedule your booking and if so we may need to charge you for your treatment.

General Information

Allergies – Let us know if you have any allergies or if you are pregnant.

Tinting of eyebrows and eyelashes (including LVL lash treatment requre a 48 hour patch test before hand, please come into the salon to get this done leaving enough time for your appointment.

We are unable to carry out Gel polish treatments on anyone under the age of 14.

We use Vinylux CND polish nail polish and our gel polishes are The Gel bottle which is vegan, cruelty free and toxin free.


Allow for dry time

Please bring open toed shoes if you are having a regular polish pedicure so you don’t ruin your newly painted nails

The length of time the polish lasts for depends on the nails and how you care for your hands, but to prolong it you can add top-coat every other day to the polish and wear gloves when cleaning etc.

Gel polish

If you have a nude or lighter colour please be careful as it may stain. Be careful with dark coloured clothes, beauty products, makeup and cooking with spices

If you require a soak off please add this service as it isn’t included in the treatment time

Please let us know if your gel wasn’t done at our salon as it may take longer for soak off. Generally soak off is complimentary when you we re-applying, however, if it was done elsewhere it may take longer so a £12 charge may be applied.

Soak offs without a manicure or pedicure are £12.

Chip policy – The Gel bottle polishes will last at least 10 days but if on the rare occasion you find yourself with a chipped or peeling nail let us know and we will repair complimentary.